Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sugar Cane

As we know there are many plant species in this world 
some of them which we already know and some of them
that  have never been discovered. Plants give us oxygen,
vegetables, fruits, and much more. There is one type of plant 
out there that gives us sugar. Sugar is used in many things 
especially food. Ice cream, Cake , and much more. The plant
that gives us is "The Sugar Cane!" There you go the name says it

Before we get the sugar there is a whole lot of process that takes place
before we get the sugar. First a little bit of background information from the
sugar cane. The sugar cane is in the " Plantae"  Species. It was brought to the U.S
by Christopher Columbus in his second voyage. It is mainly grown in
Asia, Europe, and much more. It is grown in tropical

Now lets see how its processed. For sugar cane to be processed it takes 2
stages. One of the stages is the milling process.

In the milling process the Sugar cane is washed and 
shredded with different kinds of knives. After that it is 
continually washed, mixed with rollers, and is crushed between rollers.
Where the juice is collected and stored. The stored juice has
10-15 percent sucrose. The remains are called " Bagasse"  The remaining solids
are burned for fuel. The juice is put under the sun so it can be evaporated and
know it has 60 percent sucrose by weight.

            The last stage is Refining. In the Refining process the raw sugar is purified.
The raw sugar is mixed with heavy syrup and centrifuged which is called
" Affination" They do this because to wash away sugar crystals outer
coat away. Then the sugar is filtered and so are the remaining solids. The purified
sugar is now concentrated where it is repeatably crystallized by a vacuum. There
you get "Pure White Sugar"

Thanks for taking your time and reading my blog
Have a nice day

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