Sunday, July 1, 2012

Why Greece was in Crisis?

   Greece is a small country in the continent of Europe. It is very prosperous with only 11.3 million people. However if you have notices it's all over the news about the country being in crisis. Greece went into bankruptcy for quite a few reasons =. Their governments is trying many ways to outcome this situation and also the continent. Plus I also learned many things myself out of this problem.
     Greece went into bankruptcy for quite a few reasons. First reason is that the government employees have higher wages, many benefits, and higher salaries. Plus if you are a private sector employee you have liberal perks and benefits mandated by law. This leads into crisis because the government just gives money away whether you work or not. Another reason is you can retire after 35 year of service, 80% of the money goes to health plans, vacations, and other perks. This also leads to crisis because the employees get a benefit whether they work hard or vice versa. Another reason is they get t elect their own bosses. They also get bonuses for using computers, arriving on time, and doing outdoor work. They get 14 yearly checks fro 12 months and one extra pay during the fall and spring seasons. This leads to crisis because the government is just giving money for doing very basic and simple things.

    The  Greece government is doing man things to the country out of this crisis. They started to slash away at spending and has implemented austerity measures. This cuts the extra money going for employees for useless reasons. They hiked taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and fuel. They raised their retirement age by two years, pay cuts, and tough new evasion regulations. This helps because now the employees have to do work to get paid. Greece is also trying to get help from other nations.

    I learned many things from this situation. The country doesn't need to have harsh rules and regulations because people can revolt back and factionalism can take place. I also learned that you can't have rules that are way too easy because people can take advantage. Plus the country might spend a lot than its income.

That was how Greece went into crisis. Their rules were too simple and people just got extra money than they really needed. That led the country to its position today.

Thank You and Have a wonderful day!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


    Duh......!!!! Annoying, Brats, Bother full, Doubt full, Question Box..............
Often those are the words that come from an older brother or sister when they describe their siblings. Many people don't think about is this........... What would their life be without them? Can you be their role models?
I have a brother of my own and so far after living with him for 10 years I learned..........

                                We learned from each other
                                We shared the mistakes
                             but there is one thing I learned.........................
                                            The true meaning of Relation and Friendship

                 Thank for taking your time and reading my Blog. Have a nice Day  

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Heart that Supports our Life

     The Human Body is made out of many organs that supports our life. Each of the organs have a specific job to do.If one doesn't do it there could be consequences, but there is one organ in our body that it is so important that without it beating......... There is no life!!! That is our "Mysterious Heart"!!!!!!!!!

   The Heart is a myogenic muscular organ found in all living things with a circulatory system. In other words the Heart is a important organ found in your body and without the heart you are dead. The Heart is about the size of your fist and it pumps blood every sec, minute, day, and year. You name it keeps on pumping blood till your last hours. It can beat about 1000 times a day and pump 2,000 gallons of blood.

   As we know the heart pumps blood and it is the reason we live today, but how does it really work? The heart has four main chambers. They are: Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Left Atrium, and Left Ventricle. On the right side of your heart it is where there is blood that is low in oxygen and waste materials like CO2. On the right side of the heart it is where the blood is rich in oxygen and has vitamins that the body needs. The left side as it pumps the blood is distributed to the rest of the body. When the body is done using it goes back to the right side. The cycle starts over and over again. It is also know as the "Circulatory System"

    There are many diseases, infections, sicknesses in this world, but there two that can risk your life. They are:
Heart Disease and Heart Attack. Hear Disease effects more than 20 million Americans in this country and it is one of the main leading deaths. One main cause of heart attack is food it is mainly known as the "Coronary Disease" A heart attack mainly occurs in a person when the blood is stopped or reduced. It happens when one or more coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle is blocked. This Coronary disease is mainly build up of plaque in our body. In other terms Cholesterol or fat like substances. When the plaque starts to build up it gets thicker and thicker where at the time blood clot takes place. Therefore the heart stops beating and heart attack occurs.

   To keep the heart to beating and to be healthy we have to eat right, exercise, and having no bad habits like drinking alcohol and cigarettes.

      Thanks for reading my blog Have a nice day     

Saturday, October 9, 2010


      As we know dolphins are amazing in many ways. Before we could do anything we should learn a few habits about these astounding creatures. Dolphins are marine animals and they are closely related to whales and porpoises. Dolphins are 1.2 meters and 40 kilograms. the dolphins size and weight depend on what type they are.

    Dolphins name originally came from Greek just like many other species. The Greek name for dolphins is " Delphis" which is now known as dolphins. There are many other names for dolphins some of them mean ocean and river dolphins and some stand for oceanic dolphins. Some species of the dolphins are Bottle nose, Long- Beaked, Southern- Right dolphins, and many more.

     Modern Dolphins have two small rod shaped pelvic bones. They have a streamlined fusiform which lets them swim fast. The tail is called Fluke it provides propulsion. The Dorsal Fin which is used commonly is used for stability when it is swimming.

      Dolphins have an acute eyesight both in and out of water. Their ears however are really small but there hearing is great. Even tough the dolphins are cool they don't have any sense of smell. The usually find their food by communicating with other dolphins. Dolphins mainly feed on squid and fish.

      Dolphins are mainly known as the "Most intelligent species on Earth" They are very social and friendly they usually love to play. Some games that they play are dolphin fights and they love to play with seaweed. However the dolphins are in threat more than 100's of dolphins die each year and it is because of humans.

Thanks for reading my blog have a nice day



Thursday, September 2, 2010


      The greatest skilled archer in this world began his life as a poor jungle boy. He had to look after the jungle at a very young after his father passed away in the war. With  great archery skill he taught the world you can go places just by listening to your master.

        Eklavya was born in Nothern India to a very poor family, at a very young age he loved animals and was really dissapointed with the wolves. When Eklavya told his mother he wanted to learn archery and protect the animals in the jungle, she told him to go to Dhronacharya the greatest archer in the world. Eklavya found dhrona in the outskirts of the village teaching couple of young princes. Eklavya found the right time to go to dhrona when the princess were taking a break. He said he wanted to protect the jungle and his village neverless there we no one to teach him this fine archery skills. Dhronacharya was really moved by Eklavya's determination, but he couldn't teach the jungle boy also known as Eklavya with the princes. Drona wanted Eklavya to be his student, but at the same time he didn't want to disappoint him at the same time. He told Eklavya to start practicing in the jungle and that he will become a master on his own. He also said even tough i will not be there to teach you will always be my student, now go practice by yourself. When Eklavya went home that night he immediately built a statue of his master and decorated it with flowers. Whenever he practiced he would pray in front of the idol and he would also meditate if he had a problem and he would find a solution immediatley. With great determination eklavya became a skilled archer and everyone was really proud of him. One day Arjuna and Eswathama the son of Dhrona were at the jungle and their dog disturbed eklavya and he tried to shush the dog and he closed it's mouth with arrows. The dog went back and Arjuna was really impressed and went to see who this great skilled archer was. When he came he was surprised to see a good looking jungle boy practicing archery. Eager to know he asked who his master was out came the reply than nearly stopped Arjuna's heart. Why it is the great Dhronacharya said Eklavya. Arjuna was surprised and said Dhronacharya doesn't teach poor jungle boys like you he teaches princes like me Arjuna the Pandava prince. Arjuna was angry and disappointed at the same time because Dhrona promised him to make him the greatest archer in the world. When Arjuna told Dhrona what happened Dhrona was completely moved and didn't know what to say. He immediately wanted to see Eklavya. News spread quickly that Dhronacharya was coming to see Eklavya all the villagers dressed in colorful clothes and decorated the forest with lights. Eklavya made Dhrona, Arjuna, and Eswathamama see his skills and everyone was amazed. Dhrona remembered his promise to Arjuna and asked Eklavya to give Gurudhakshana where you give a reward for your master, for teaching except the master has to choose. Well Dhrona asked for Eklavya's right thumb as Gurudhakshana and Eklavya willingly gave it to him. Arjuna seeing all this appreciated Eklavya's devotion. Eklavya once again passed the art of archery once again with his left hand.

         Eklavya taught us many things from his life. By listening to your master you can go places and wonders.
With courage and determination you can do anything. Nothing is impossible in this world all you need is practice. If we follow Eklavya we will all be great people and  set out an example to everyone around you.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Global Warming

                   Global Warming?  As we all know that is our almost every day talk about the environment. Every one says it is the rising temperature of the earth. When did the topic come? Who are the causers? What are are the advantages and disadvantages? What can we do about it? Those are the questions that almost everyone wonder about, but if we found about what do we do? Well.....  I will answer  the questions about  global warming .

         First of all What is global warming? It is an increase in the earth average atmospheric temprature that causes corresponding changes in climate that may result from the green house affect. When did us people came to be aware of it and how did we try to decrease it? People came to be aware of global warming in the late 70's through 80's. It was when the industrial age began in the United States with tons of pollution.

         Many peoplw wonder what are the advantages and the disadvantages. The answer to the advantages is reallyy few and the disadvantages you may know are a lot. Let's see the advantages first:

                                                        Less need of energy
                                              Fewer deaths and injuries in the cold
                                              Longer growing seasones meaning more agriculture
                                                         in some parts of the world
                                                    Mountains increeasing in height
                                             Frozen regions may experience more plant growth
                                                              and milder climates

           Those are some of the few advantages global warming. Know for the disadvantages:

                                                Ocean circulation disrupted
                                                   Deserts getting drier
                                             Changes to agricultural production
                                                   Water Shortage
                                               Starvation and malnutrition
                                          Air pollution   and much  more......

           There should be a reason why global warming is occuring and for the disadvantages. The answer is
                                  us the people that are wasting the earth or polluting it with so many gases.

         You as the old saying goes "someone who created the problem should fix the problem"
                                 So how can we fix it? Here are some soilutions:
                                                Save Electricity
                                                Bike or Walk
                                                 Plant Trees
                                           Buy things that you need
                                Buy thing that have energy star on them

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sugar Cane

As we know there are many plant species in this world 
some of them which we already know and some of them
that  have never been discovered. Plants give us oxygen,
vegetables, fruits, and much more. There is one type of plant 
out there that gives us sugar. Sugar is used in many things 
especially food. Ice cream, Cake , and much more. The plant
that gives us is "The Sugar Cane!" There you go the name says it

Before we get the sugar there is a whole lot of process that takes place
before we get the sugar. First a little bit of background information from the
sugar cane. The sugar cane is in the " Plantae"  Species. It was brought to the U.S
by Christopher Columbus in his second voyage. It is mainly grown in
Asia, Europe, and much more. It is grown in tropical

Now lets see how its processed. For sugar cane to be processed it takes 2
stages. One of the stages is the milling process.

In the milling process the Sugar cane is washed and 
shredded with different kinds of knives. After that it is 
continually washed, mixed with rollers, and is crushed between rollers.
Where the juice is collected and stored. The stored juice has
10-15 percent sucrose. The remains are called " Bagasse"  The remaining solids
are burned for fuel. The juice is put under the sun so it can be evaporated and
know it has 60 percent sucrose by weight.

            The last stage is Refining. In the Refining process the raw sugar is purified.
The raw sugar is mixed with heavy syrup and centrifuged which is called
" Affination" They do this because to wash away sugar crystals outer
coat away. Then the sugar is filtered and so are the remaining solids. The purified
sugar is now concentrated where it is repeatably crystallized by a vacuum. There
you get "Pure White Sugar"

Thanks for taking your time and reading my blog
Have a nice day