Global Warming? As we all know that is our almost every day talk about the environment. Every one says it is the rising temperature of the earth. When did the topic come? Who are the causers? What are are the advantages and disadvantages? What can we do about it? Those are the questions that almost everyone wonder about, but if we found about what do we do? Well..... I will answer the questions about global warming .
First of all What is global warming? It is an increase in the earth average atmospheric temprature that causes corresponding changes in climate that may result from the green house affect. When did us people came to be aware of it and how did we try to decrease it? People came to be aware of global warming in the late 70's through 80's. It was when the industrial age began in the United States with tons of pollution.
Many peoplw wonder what are the advantages and the disadvantages. The answer to the advantages is reallyy few and the disadvantages you may know are a lot. Let's see the advantages first:
Less need of energy
Fewer deaths and injuries in the cold
Longer growing seasones meaning more agriculture
in some parts of the world
Mountains increeasing in height
Frozen regions may experience more plant growth
and milder climates
Those are some of the few advantages global warming. Know for the disadvantages:
Ocean circulation disrupted
Deserts getting drier
Changes to agricultural production
Water Shortage
Starvation and malnutrition
Air pollution and much more......
There should be a reason why global warming is occuring and for the disadvantages. The answer is
us the people that are wasting the earth or polluting it with so many gases.
You as the old saying goes "someone who created the problem should fix the problem"
So how can we fix it? Here are some soilutions:
Save Electricity
Bike or Walk
Plant Trees
Buy things that you need
Buy thing that have energy star on them